It's been a brilliant first week travelling around the Helensburgh area - I've got it right this time - one student asked me how to spell 'Helensborough' which is how I spelt it the first time - what a numpty I am!! And then I couldn't spell 'Peregrine' - where did my brain disappear to?? - I love being able to spell words the right way!!
So as you can tell, I've been getting some great stories from the pupils - they've mostly been P6, though the class in the groovy little school of Arrochar (in Tarbet!) were made up of P5-P7s.
We've been warming up with some Musical Scribbles and Drawing Relays, before zooming in on our Doodle Earth drawing activities. We've had some great descriptive answers starting with 'On my way to school today, I saw...', memory maps of the route to school, 3 minute, 2 minute and 30 second drawings, and some beautiful picture postcards with stories to send to our exchange schools.
The standard of homework has been excellent, with pupils doing some really amazing pictures of their schools and landmarks/wildlife/people/and different landscapes. I have varied the 'timed drawings' a little, but on the whole the list of class activities have stayed the same.
Well done everyone for taking part so enthusiastically, and hope you stick your well earned certificate in pride of place somewhere!
Pictures from the top include written homework describing landmarks, countryside, buildings and people; postcard front and back to be sent with the others to their chosen exchange school, and a couple of 'Memory Maps' from the pupil's home to their school.